Year 6 Continue Their Work on Circuits

Year continued their work on circuits and electricity this afternoon by investigating different battery types and their uses. They also looked at different household...

Year 6 Lumiere Preparations are Underway

Year 6 got going with their preparations for ‘Middleton Tyas Lumiere’. The children began creating the frames for their silhouette models using willow. Everyone...

Year 6 Explore RFID in Computing

Year 6 continued their computing topic of ‘Big Data’ this afternoon by exploring ‘RFID’ (Radio Frequency Identification)  and how it is used. They explored...

Basketball fun in Year 6…

Year 6 had a great basketball session in PE this afternoon. They continued their learning from last week, focusing on the skills of ball...

Year 6 Get Fit With ‘Skip2bFit’

This morning, year 6 were lucky enough to receive a visit from the ever-popular ‘Dave’ from ‘Skip2bfit’. Dave worked with the children to run...

Year 6 continue their work on electrical circuits…

This afternoon, year 6 continued their work on electrical circuits. They investigated how to make components such as bulbs brighter in a circuit. They...

Year 6 Explore Macro Photography

This afternoon, year 6 had a fantastic art lesson continuing their topic of photomontage and digital art. The children learned about macro photography and...

Year 6 Create Infra-Red Inventions

This afternoon, year 6 continued their learning about ‘data’ in computing. Following on from their work on bar codes and QR codes last week,...

Year 6 Investigate Series and Parallel Circuits

Year 6 had a great science lesson this afternoon as they began their new topic of circuits and electricity. They began by learning about...

Year 6 Get Fighting Fit!

Year 6 had a great PE session this afternoon as they began their topic of fitness and circuit training. The children worked in groups...